Cain and Abel
Cain and Abel Weekly Torah Portion Kenyok tried to bribe God, but God is not a sucker and proved him on his face. Ablul did a similar thing but because he was Ahabal his bribe was accepted. Selective enforcement, which prefers misery over justice, judicial precedents and Keynouk hit Ablul According to a novelty by Eli Lipovetsky I have not seen the series about the Yom Kippur War, (closing time) but I remember very well what was before the war, during the war, and what was after the war. President Katzir said we are all guilty. On the buses and everywhere there were stickers and advertisements in the style: you will be fine, I will be fine, everything will be fine. Most talked about the blindness and arrogance that are the mother of all sin. All this bullshit was because Dayan and Golda stuck to a chair and looked for a way to justify not resigning. This is in addition to the Agranat Committee which rule...