Cain and Abel


Cain and Abel

Weekly Torah Portion



Kenyok tried to bribe God, but God is not a sucker and proved him on his face. Ablul did a similar thing but because he was Ahabal his bribe was accepted. Selective enforcement, which prefers misery over justice, judicial precedents and Keynouk hit Ablul


According to a novelty by Eli Lipovetsky


I have not seen the series about the Yom Kippur War, (closing time) but I remember very well what was before the war, during the war, and what was after the war. President Katzir said we are all guilty. On the buses and everywhere there were stickers and advertisements in the style: you will be fine, I will be fine, everything will be fine. Most talked about the blindness and arrogance that are the mother of all sin. All this bullshit was because Dayan and Golda stuck to a chair and looked for a way to justify not resigning. This is in addition to the Agranat Committee which ruled that the Minister of Defense is not responsible for defense.


So what really happened. Two or three years after the Six Day War, the War of Attrition broke out, and soldiers were killed every day or two. The Egyptians made intrusive ambushes into Israeli territory some of which managed to cause us casualties. Also on the front of the terrorists were losses and unsuccessful retaliation operations, Carama. In addition the submarine Decker was lost and a reasonable assumption was that it happened due to hostile action. Ah and the destroyer Eilat also drowned with dozens killed and dozens more wounded. In short the joy of victory lasted for several weeks after the Six Day War. After two years, there was nothing left of the arrogance, which they made sure to tell us about. So that Dayan would remain in his chair.


I do not really know who said what and when, but the impression I got from everything I read I heard and saw, including the urgent mobilization of the reserve (my brother and other people I knew) the night before the war, is that there was no surprise, Chief of Staff Dado, and other army officers, wanted to recruit And Dayan, who was the top decision-maker, stopped the recruitment. So as I said, I did not see the series and I hope there are good excerpts there as well. But I am allergic to explanations about the hubris that was in our backyard.


So how do you explain the video for the song "From the South the Good Will Open" by the Southern Command Band?


Not complicated, the Southern Command band made a clip to raise the low morale. Golda suckers remember. A ridiculous combination of tanks in the band's performance. I did not see speakers. There is no chance that the audience hear the singers from this distance, and this can be seen on the soldiers' faces. I think the video is a gluing, something like a drought orchestra. Even if there are gross errors in the production, it's okay to try to lift morale. But it really does not stand up to 1000 deaths in three years and the accompanying mood. Sizing, I do not remember the numbers exactly. To this must be added the Eilat destroyer, the Decker submarine, failed operations such as Karma and more. Pilots who fell in Egypt should also be added. That is, they already knew that control of the sky, which was a decisive factor in the victory of the Six Day War, would not stand up to us.


Just to be clear, I, like most Israeli citizens, was surprised by the Arab invasion in the Yom Kippur War. Even today if they do not tell me that there are concentrations of forces on the border, I will be surprised when they start moving. The chief of staff and army commanders were not surprised, Dayan did not allow them to raise reservists. No one is immune to mistakes, and a mistake by a defense minister in a country in a hostile area had cost thousands of lives. Dayan is not guilty or a murderer, but he was responsible and had to resign immediately. After the war, instead of resigning, and under pressure from the crowd, he appointed a commission of inquiry to rule that Dayan was not responsible for the default. The army's failure, so the excuse written by the commission's charter was not "why did they not recruit the reserve" is an idle excuse and really the people did not buy it. The justice system has learned that fairness and justice really do not matter when it comes to judging. We later got the judicial revolution , Along the way scandalous judgments, which do not stand any test of fairness and reason.The corruption of the legal system began in the Agranat Commission and this is another blow of the Yom Kippur War that we suffer from to this day.


And as for the question, what needs to be done is to shake up the justice system, to which the compass needs to be directed. I do not enter into the question of whether it is the State Attorney's Office or the High Court or any other legal entity. I do not understand this. This is perhaps an opportunity to clean the stables.



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