Renovation end


Renovation end


OK++, clean, 11.3


PETCT summary, free of cancer. Hemoglobin 11.3, aiming for 13.


At first I received 6 chemotherapy, 1 day treatment, over 4 months, with high chances of recovery, 80%. I fell in the remaining 20%. I continued with two salvage treatments, stronger chemotherapy for 3 days. They didn't talk about success rate, but it didn't succeed. In the third line, CAR-T, 3 weeks, and much more brutal than chemotherapy. The effect of the treatment lasts six months. 40% success in the beginning and another 6% success later on. 10% of the remaining 60%. So I grabbed the last 6%. Entering a follow-up routine, with a positive outlook. The statistics are good, but the CAR-T treatment is innovative, 5 years only. That's why there are relatively few recoveries, so the statistics are young and almost non-existent for a period of more than 5 years.


May I be revived, sustained, and brought to this time. Amen  

(poor translation but you get the right feeling)


Have a good week and good health

To you and to me


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