The PC Revolution
The PC Revolution Another breath it's going to be long. I just read on Wikipedia about the Islamic Revolution in Persia, Iran, 40 years ago. I found no mention of blowing up cinemas on their audiences. 400 killed in one blast. This is an example of a lie that is not of the type of 2 + 2 = 5. I remember the news on the radio, and anyone who describes the Khomeini revolution without cinema explosion is simply lying. Terrorism has been there from the beginning, it is not something that started with demonstrations and slipped into terrorism after the regime change. I did not read everything, so may be I missed it, but a cinemas blasting should be in a prominent place that I cannot miss. Terror was the essence of the Islamic Revolution. And why do I mention crackles from 40 years ago? Because back then I couldn’t understand how the Persian people choose a leader whose election propaganda was mass murdering of his own people. My lack of understanding did not prevent Khomeini from w...